
Its been a super super long time since I've last posted anything on this blog..
Guess things have been pretty busy-ish lately and time just goes out the window.
Because with one look you can see
Things are ever changing and I cant seem to be able to keep track of them. I've changed, my friends changed, my family changed and even the surroundings have changed.
I guess I'm just not the sort who is used to change.
Just one look..
I guess I just really dislike the person whom I am becoming. Don't wanna be like this. Wish I could go back to the way I used to be, a caring person.

So many things happen in life that through learning from my mistakes and taking the counter measures have turn up with new problems and through those new problems I miss the way I used to be.

From trying to understand everything things have never been so clear yet so hard to see. Black and white is becoming the shades of gray and the rainbow in the sky is becoming duller.

I just want to know why I feel the way I feel. Just wanna know why I feel this aching.

We all share the same sky yet not all of us can see the sun shining through the darkest cloud.

From the warmth came the burning and from the cold came the freezing. Wish I can find the place where there is a balance.

From my emotions I made stupid decisions and did stupid things.

From my mind I made the "smart" ones but the heart turn cold and solid.

I still feel, just not the way I used to..

I wish I could be the one who could picture the sun even through the darkest storm where even the lightning struck me down.

No point in brooding but sometimes its always better to let it out I once said..

Once upon a time..